
About Hype America

Hype America is an online community created by Orlando residents for Orlando residents.

More than 2 million of us call Orlando home. Some of us live in the city proper; many of us live in the suburbs. Our stories vary, but all of us are connected to Orlando. Hype America is where we connect to one another online and share our interests.

Every day, our bloggers post dozens of entries about all things Orlando. One day you might read about Lynx fare cuts, see photos of a new bar in Winter Park or watch an interview with one of the Magic’s key players. The next day you might read about City Hall, Walt Disney World or watch the Gators football team at practice.

It’s our bloggers’ job to lead the conversation on Orlando. We encourage you to join in by commenting on their posts. Many of our bloggers are also on Twitter and host their own meetups offline. To find out more about our bloggers, including how to contact them directly, please see their individual about pages.

We are always looking for more bloggers to join Hype America. If you have an existing blog or an idea for a blog, we’d like to hear from you. Please pitch us your blog idea.

Hype America launched in May 2018. The site is moderated by Scott Baker.

Hype America should belong to its contributors and users. We want the community to evolve as members see fit. To foster that evolution, we impose as few rules as possible. You can read what we expect in our blogger guidelines, community guidelines and comments policy.

Most questions about Hype America are answered in our FAQ page. If you have a question and don’t see it answered there, or you have other feedback about the site, please email us directly. We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you around the site.

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