So, FALL is upon us – ONCE AGAIN. I feel truly blessed to witness this phenomenous (when you’re a legit blogger, you can just make shit up) occasion! I always tell my youngins that once school starts, mommy’s birthday starts the string of holidays, and so you might as well just hang on tight, because the Elf is just right around the corner! (blog coming soon!)
Here’s a token picture of me and my pumpkin beer. I’ve worked SO hard for that beer this year. Lemme splain why.

Thank goodness for so many people who gave me stuff to sell on EBay. My mom gave me some high dollar items and this gave me the start that I needed. THANK YOU SO MUCH! My daughters came to my room one night also and gave me a lot of old clothes and books because they knew I was trying to go to school. They’re incredibly sweet and they make me so proud. So many family members (including my pet sitting friends who tried to overpay me 🙂 and my husband also started handing me items to sell. Luckily, I ended up with what I needed, and I can’t ever thank those people who know how much this means to me. My husband is completely on board and I can’t even explain how the support of him and everyone else gives me that extra boost, a chronic virtual hug, or a chronic kick in the arse, whatever.
I absolutely love my class. I love being in school, and I take it very seriously. I am so incredibly happy to be doing this and it is one of the most exciting things aside from my amazing family. I have a 96% average right now, and although I feel like I need some extra credit work, or to secure a tutor to bring up my pathetic average, I also think on the other hand, that is not too shabby for a student who is twice (BAH) the age of everyone in the class.
So, FALL – I love you so much. I appreciate my pumpkin spice more than ever, especially since they’re harder to come by these days. These days that I’ll remember forever, as I do homework at night the same time as my kids, as I sit at my laptop and laugh at the stupid story that I am getting ready to turn in for my creative writing class, and think to myself how lucky and excitedly giddy I am to find myself upon another fall, the season that I love so much. The season that is a little bit different this year. Thank God.