Judging all the books…

Judging all the books…

I like BIG BOOKS and I cannot lie.  OH MY GOD. I am developing an obsession. This summer I thought a sister was going to be blogging like crazy since I do not have to work until August. Unfortunately, I got hit bad. I can’t stop myself. It’s a quasi-stalkerish crime that deserves lots of jail time. Like living the thug life with no REGERTS. I have recently signed up for a few book lover groups on Facebook.  Little did I know that it would have opened the door to some underground, crazy, dirty, cult like crazy ass funky book addiction.  Okay, so there’s nothing more pure and clean about people who like books, but I have a tattoo now and you don’t know what I’m capable of, so if I want to say it’s scary, then BOO!

I have some issues with impulsivity.  Knowing that I might be driving near the library, even if I am 30 miles away from it and don’t plan on going that way whatsoever, I will still always pack my pocket full of quarters because they usually have a “5 books for $1” sale happening. These are my latest binge picks. Also, there is this website that I’ve also been turned onto called Goodreads, which is an app and website where you can keep track of books you want to read. You can peruse books that are popular right now, see all of the recommended books, as well as keep track of the books that you have read. They have giveaways every day where you sign up to win free books! My mailbox has been empty since this extravaganza has started, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed!! Anyway, this website/app is revolutionary and addicting, and it’s just another obsession/fascination standing in my way of brushing my teeth in the mornings.

I did brush my teeth this day. I also recently joined a new book club. This was our first book choice. I’m in it, and my mom is in it. Know why we don’t need anyone else? Because we can take long AF to read our books, we can cancel on each other, or we can straight up act like idiotic freak nerds wherever and whenever we feel like holding our meetings. I have 56 other ADD induced interests that I try to mentally tackle on a daily basis, will binge read 3 books in a row, then maybe take another couple of months just to finish one, watch the entire movie series, maybe take another month to read a book that I am sorry that I started, but for some sadistic reason, I am weirdly dead set on finishing. That’s the kind of book club that we started. And I’m excited! Our next meeting is coming up in a couple of weeks, and I have about 5 books on my radar to finish before then. BAHAHA.

OMG. Lookie here. I have 53 unread books on my newly organized book shelves, and I feel the need to CHECK OUT EVEN MORE. Why can’t I just read the ones that I have? And I don’t just get one book from the library. I have to reserve 4 or 5.

Oh, this book was really fantastic! Now I need to go reserve all of her books! I’m also unexpectedly developing a Stephen King fetish. I had already read a couple of books of his, and I picked up Sleeping Beauties recently and loved it.

From there, of course I picked up a couple of more, including The Stand, the Long Walk, the Outsider, Bizarre of Bad Dreams, the Cell, and I had gotten It for Christmas. It took me about 3 weeks to read It, and it was HELLA thick, but I just conquered it and finished a couple of days ago. Whew. It was fantastic. His detailed characters always blow me away, and his research on all subject matter is so impressive. It took him 4 years to write It, and so that gives me hope that maybe in 30 more years, I’ll be done with my first novel (that will absolutely not be 1153 pages).

So, that’s what I’ve been doing this summer. While on vacation lounging at the pool, while my kids are away at camps, while I can steal away in my house even when everyone is home, this is what I’ve been doing. My house looks like *&!$@!, but this is MY summer reading assignment. Only, mine is barricaded with delusional intentions, chaotic thoughts, impulsive book reserves and completely unnecessary book bargains. I don’t have time to go school clothes shopping or get the kids their haircuts! My floor needs to be mopped and I think the clothes in the washing machine are stale. School supplies are going to have to wait! Now the dang kids are moaning: “We’re hungry!” Blah, blah, blah!!


Wanna read more?

New Beginnings