Why I need you, spring break

Sometimes I just need to stare at the wall. Sometimes, I want to sleep until 9:45 and only wake up because my bladder is close to levee collapse-ation. Sometimes a sister just needs a “break,” but really, what this particular adventure is about is education, the educational value, and me just adding the random educational spin.

So – husband does his annual ‘spring cleaning.’ It gives me a dingleberry frightmare just thinking about how much of my stuff is going to go missing when I come back from wherever I’ve been. Should I not leave the house? Should I sit at home and forego my educational spring break to ensure nothing of mine goes missing? Well, shoot. Now, I’ve found myself in a conundrum (*huge educational word).

Trying to get to know my cat is an educational experience within itself. She’s such an enigma! The way she sprawls in front of me with her female trickery seducing me into thinking that she wants to be loved, only to swat my hand away, then pounce around, attacking and biting my ankles – is nothing short of an amazing phenomenon.

Don’t be fooled. She’s pretty much exploring the territory before she thonks me right on my noggin.

I am trying some  new recipes over Spring Break! I am making pulled pork today; however, since I know nothing about cooking, and I don’t really have a full day at home without leaving the heli pad, I can’t exactly use my crock pot (I will not leave my house with that thing on). So, I decided to find a recipe where I can bake that sucker in the oven. Of course, being prepared is not my forte, so I had some of the spice ingredients, but not all. That doesn’t slow me down! It calls for onion salt? I’ll add some Mrs. Dash. Calls for apple juice? Oh, lookie there – I’ve got a Capri Sun in my fridge!  I’m also not cooking it as long as it says, so I turned up the temp and shoved that sucker in there. Who has time to try and be Paula Deen? Noop.

So, we are heading to Universal Studios! Because it’s full of educational values and what not! There’s Harry Potter, and the Poseidon, and there’s the classic “King Kong,” and I think one time the Simpson’s had an episode of Homer going back to college! SCORE. My kids are so lucky to have me and all of my fact knowledge.

simpsonsI want to dedicate some time to my writing and crafts. To nurture my passion. HA! I have some blog writing to do – and whoever said that’s not using your noggin??  And I’m trying some new canvas crafts, in order to display properly some school pictures that I have lying around of the kids, and gurrrrrrl, I’ll have to post pics of that at a later time, or else this blog post is going to be called “Why I need you, New Years Eve 2022.”

I also have some more crafting to do, movies to see, and shopping to get in trouble for. I also need to finish this 700 page book that I’m reading. So that I can buy more books and add them to the stack of 30 books that I’m pining to read next. I’ve had this book so long from the library (Which is SO educational!) that they sent me an e-mail the other day that basically said “Either your IQ needs to be tested, or we will just consider this book lost since you’ve had it out since January.”  Legit re-worded e-mail from the library. They’ll be so surprised when I finish reading it and return it in July! Besides my exorbitant fine, I do plan on writing on the chalkboard 50 times: “I will not check books out that I get halfway through, find none of the characters 100% relatable, but force myself to continue reading due to sheer dedication and my love for the author, because nobody is going to say to me: “Oh, I see you couldn’t get through that long book. Hmm.” Gosh, that sentence is hella long.

book review 2Also, I just need one week free from tournaments, and driving people, and waiting for minions to get out of practice, only to go pick up someone else and transport them somewhere else whilst (educational, smart person word) returning home at 9:00 at night. My knees and my bladder need to heal. OH! One super cool, educational thing that I’m doing now also is trying to get an article published. That’s because my Magazine Writing class at UCF told me to! I am “Meh” about whether it might or might not be, but the experience is so fun and I can’t imagine ever learning this much about my #1 favorite, fun, cerebral activity passion. Besides my kids, it it gives me so much puh-leasure, more than I could ever fathom!

By the way, we do have a beach day planned. Due to the forecast, it keeps having to be postponed. It’s really the one thing my kids have on their little plastic bucket lists for this week off. On a completely unrelated side note – Does anyone have an overnight cellulite remedy? Asking for a friend.

There you have it. 52 reasons why I tell myself staying home is MUCH cooler than going on a fantastic, exotic getaway. I’m kidding! Being the homebody that I am, and given our unpredictable weather this week, my Spring Break plans will be the perfect prescription to nourish my stupified soul. Besides, there’s some insane, therapeutic advantages to feeding your weary intellect. And for that educational value, I’ll go ahead and give myself an A+.


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