I like BIG BOOKS and I cannot lie.  OH MY GOD. I am developing an obsession. This summer I thought a sister was going to be blogging like crazy since I do not have to work until August. Unfortunately, I got hit bad. I can’t stop myself. It’s a quasi-stalkerishRead More →

It is with an extremely heavy heart that I announce the impending passing of my beloved blog platform: hypeorlando. Serious sad sniff. I’ll never forget the day that I saw this new company advertised, asking for potential bloggers to pitch their material. Never, ever, in a pigs fly across the moonRead More →

Look. Some people have really cool hobbies. Some people have REALLY cool ass fly hobbies. Not every hobby is my thing, but that’s totally respectable. I’m cool with that. I have a hobby that will blow your mind. It consumes my days and then when those days are over, myRead More →

Freaking summer. Gets a lame wad all excited and blind side bitch slaps you in the noggin. And then before you know it, it’s the night before school and nothing matters anymore, not even cheese. So, in light of the fact that I have a humdrum sadness plastered permanently onRead More →

Yo. So, there’s nothing that I hate worse than fending off my dog’s bunghole breath and/or plucking off his dingleberries from his matted fur overhang. Until I think of the serpent reptiles. I’ve always feared and loathed the snakes. I never wanted to befriend one. #onlydefriendtheslitheryones. If you would haveRead More →