3 Things Road Warriors Don’t Do, and 1 That They Do

3 Things Road Warriors Don’t Do, and 1 That They Do

“To Do” lists, a necessary evil, I use Any.Do to help me keep my “S” together. Any.Do offers a simple interface that interacts with Alexa and Apple reminders. What most people fail to have is a “Don’t Do” list. You should start one and add these 3 things it.

To Do List

Don’t Overpack – Overpacking leads to larger suitcases, which leads to checking your luggage, which leads to lost luggage, which leads to travel rage (see below), which leads to……. you get the picture. You can easily get a weeks worth of clothes, including business clothes, in a carry-on. Have the dry cleaner fold your dress shirts, it’ll help reduce wrinkles and take up less space. Roll your casual clothes and put them in a packing cube. I promise you don’t need all that stuff. If you forget something every town has a Walmart, and a trip there can provide more entertainment than Universal Studios. Remember, there are two types of luggage carry-on and lost.

Remember, there are two types of luggage carry-on and lost.

To Do List

Travel Rage – Spend any time on the interwebs and you will no doubt come across stories of travel rage. Tantrums at the ticket counter and throw-downs on the plane are commonplace. These actions will do little to correct a canceled flight, change the weather or create more overhead bin space (see above). What travel rage will do is guarantee that you look like an ass-hat. Don’t give in to travel rage.

Don’t give in to travel rage.

To Do List

Fly Discount Airlines – Unless you’re a glutton for punishment or want to partake in travel rage (see above), don’t fly discount. I recently had a fellow road warrior buddy have to take a last-minute flight for a funeral. Being last minute he wasn’t able to use his airline points so he booked with an airline that begins with an S ends with a T and has piri between.

The flight for 2 was right around $250.00 round trip. Sounds like a deal, right? Wrong,  after fees for picking seats, printing tickets and then talking to an agent on the phone, the total flight cost close to $500.00. Now in defense of the airline that begins with an S ends with a T they don’t hide the fact that they charge you for damn near everything.

The one thing that I encourage you to do is carry more than one debit card. When my wife first traveled with me, we left Ft. Lauderdale one morning, stopped in Orlando where she bought spent a few hundred dollars at the outlet mall. Next stop was Valdosta, Ga where she filled up the tank. Then five hours later in North Georgia, she offered to pay for dinner……. and WHAM….. her debit card was declined. Thirty seconds later there was a phone call from her bank letting her know they had noticed suspicious activity with her debit card and they had shut it down. There she was on a six-day trip with no real access to cash besides writing a check. Do yourself a favor and carry multiple debit cards.

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